Tag: server

Web Servers

Web Servers Architecture and Functionality

Server is very similar to our daily used computers. It consists of a mother platinum, processor, operative memory and hard disk. Unlike our computers, however, it is more powerful. The main characteristic of the server is the remote work with many clients. It answers to the all requests coming from the different corners, develops them and sends a response.

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Servers have been around as long as networks.
A server is a computer program which provides a service to another computer programs. In a technical sense, a server is an instance of a computer program that accepts and responds to requests made by another program known as “client”.

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Linux, Microsoft and Apple. Which One Is The Best for You?

The world has undergone enormous changes over the past decade.
We now live in a world where everything is connected in some way, science and informational technologies continue to achieve new successes. Our today’s topic is one of the most interesting topics ever. Would you like to study some interesting things about Linux, Microsoft and Apple? If yes, let’s go ahead and discuss its in details.

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