Category: Technology

Hackathon TCO Team

Have you ever heard about Hackathon?
A hackathon is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, project managers and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on software projects.

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Introduction to Laravel

If You have been interested in web development, You must probably have heard about Laravel. So what’s it ? Why is it so popular and why the demand in the market for Laravel Developers is so high? Stick with this article and You will find out.

First of all, let’s mention, that Laravel is an open-source web framework implementing the MVC pattern. The last sentence did not make any sense to you, right ?

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Web Servers

Web Servers Architecture and Functionality

Server is very similar to our daily used computers. It consists of a mother platinum, processor, operative memory and hard disk. Unlike our computers, however, it is more powerful. The main characteristic of the server is the remote work with many clients. It answers to the all requests coming from the different corners, develops them and sends a response.

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Servers have been around as long as networks.
A server is a computer program which provides a service to another computer programs. In a technical sense, a server is an instance of a computer program that accepts and responds to requests made by another program known as “client”.

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The Collections framework in Java

Today’s topic is a little bit technical as it is related to Java developers. We are going to speak about Java and its frameworks like Collections, the Map interface, Java TreeMap class, etc. Our team continues to study interesting and essential features in web and mobile development, so let’s continue!

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JavaScript and its most used frameworks and libraries

Frameworks try to solve most of the big and known problems that are usually encountered by their applications. Good frameworks have smart defaults and follow the convention over configuration concept. What do you know about JavaScript frameworks? JavaScript is one of the major contributors to the Web Design and development and thus JavaScript Frameworks give an ability to developers to create single page applications. Let’s study some of the JS frameworks:

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Version Control – Git

As described in the previous article, version control can be very helpful during the development of an application. One of the most popular version control software is Git. In this post we will try to explain the usefulness of Git and describe how it can aid the development process.

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Importance of Version Control

Whether You are developing a small application or creating a complex business solution, You certainly need to keep track of the code, store a change history, have regular backups in case something goes wrong.

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Technology Has Changed Our Life

Technology is everywhere-in almost every part of our life.
It affects how we live, how we work and importantly how we learn. With each passing day a new software is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives.

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